Dating Latin American Women

August 18, 2009

Get to Know the Countries of Latin America

* Mexico – Although it is a country in North America, it is nonetheless considered part of Latin America

The Countries in Central American are:

* Belize – Belize is considered part of Latin America because of its geographical location, not because it has Latin roots.  In fact, it used to be called British Honduras.
* Costa Rica
* El Salvador
* Guatemala
* Honduras
* Nicaragua
* Panama – Panama is not really considered part of Central America by the rest of the Central American countries and it is not considered a South American country by the rest of the South American countries.

The Countries of South America are:

* Argentina
* Bolivia
* Brazil
* Chile
* Colombia
* Ecuador
* French Guiana – French Guiana is a French overseas department and not a South American country
* Guyana – Formerly a part of the British empire, but it is part of the South American Continent.
* Paraguay
* Peru
* Suriname – Formerly a Dutch possession, it is also in the South American Continent
* Uruguay
* Venezuela

There are some islands in the Caribbean that because of the Spanish heritage and language are included in Latin America:

*Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States and not a country, but it is considered Latin American.


*Dominican Republic

There are many more islands in the Caribbean of course, but they are not traditionally considered part of Latin American culture or heritage.  They share closer roots and ties with France, Holland and England.

If you are going to be dating Latin American women, you need to know that they are as diverse as their geographic locations.  Latin American women come in all races, religions, colors, etc.  What has traditionally been considered Latin American are those countries which had ties to either Spain or Portugal.

At Dating Latin American, we believe that you will have a wonderful time getting to know and dating the women of Latin America and perhaps form a lasting relationship with one of them.

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